Posts by Natalia
Техногенная революция переворачивает мировой порядок: Вы готовы?
Мы прошли суровое испытание 2020 годом: коронавирус, кризис, конфликты, экономический спад, крах самых амбициозных проектов и рождение новых. И вот, Мир в очередной раз оказался на пороге глобальных изменений, которые могут изменить его до неузнаваемости. Год начался с тревожных новостей и каждый человек осознал самую большую опасность: опасность выживания. Люди начали объединяться и пробовать выйти…
Sergey Sevantsyan Joined Coindar & Colibri Group
Sergey Sevantsyan joined Colibri Group as a top manager and co-founder. Sergey Sevantsyan has headed the international communications department of Colibri Group and now there is an internal corporate discussion about the development of new areas of activity and the launch of a number of sub-projects that will harmoniously complement the main functional activities of Colibri Group and contribute to…
BitCherry IPv8 Technology Boosts Industrial Transformation in 5G Era
In 2020, up to 82% of IP traffic will come from video, and 2/3 of network traffic will come from wireless networks and mobile devices. With the continuous evolution of video services, such as the provision of ultra high definition of 4K-8K video, virtual (VR)/augmented reality (AR), it will also promote the design of future…
Introduction to Cellframe: blockchain services as an alternative approach to building dApps
The information today transfers almost instantly. The number of possible social connections is limited only by access to the Internet and a computer. One of the crucial issues nowadays is trust. How can we trust and verify those we communicate or work with? During the last century, humanity was focused on the complexity of verifications.…
The killer Dapp 2020: Decentralized VPNs?
Last 10 years the phrase virtual private network or VPN to short become mainstream. Today, every teenager knows what it is and why it is necessary to be installed at almost any smartphone, laptop or tablet. Twenty years ago 99% of Internet users could…just use the Internet. Without crutches. But, the situation had been slowly but surely…
Trade Signals by Einsteim
Free app, that give you free buy sell and hold Crypto Signals. Download the app in App Store Live Crypto Signals are a perfect way of getting market movement tips online. Follow the sentiment of traders in real time. We offer you the best trading signals from our professionals. Signals are available for you to…
A Moon Blockchain Project
A Blockchain Project that set out to Tokenize and Apportions the Moon. A recent blockchain project has set up and registered a project that would divide and tokenize section of the lunar surface. The project is named Diana, which after the Roman goddess of the Moon and the hunt. The given project that launched on…
Fun and interesting facts about cryptocurrency. Part 1.
Cryptocurrency is a mysterious thing to most people. The general public doesn’t know much about it. While cryptocurrency may seem difficult to understand, it doesn’t have to be. So, let’s go over some fun and interesting facts about cryptocurrency so you can learn something new today. 1 Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Satoshi Nakamoto is largely…
Electrocoin And Croatian Post Partner To Launch Program For Crypto-to-Fiat Exchange
With the recent up and downs with bitcoin price, a lot of crypto enthusiasts have been searching for good news. Well, now there’s one. Electrocoin has formed a partnership with the Croatian Post to launch a pilot program for a crypto-to-fiat exchange. This partnership took place in nowhere but the city of Zadar, Croatia. According…
Useful Tips When Traveling With Bitcoin
In recent years, Bitcoin has become widely acknowledged around the world as a genuine form of currency. The convenience in this highly digital age has caused it to gain popularity in part. People around the world, especially travelers, have adopted the idea of a totally virtual and universal method of payment, avoiding the previously exhausting…