Posts by Natalia
Your Private Keys Are Gone? What to Do Not to Lose Everything
Losing money is a traumatic experience. It doesn’t matter the amount. Money is money and lost cash means lost value, you forgo an opportunity to save up or spend. As the world becomes more and more digital, we must realize that more people will switch over to digital alternatives. Cryptocurrencies is no doubt a better…
Bitcoin OX: Network Infrastructure and Its Opportunities for Crypto Wallet Users
Cryptocurrency wallets are an indispensable part of the virtual currency space. Each time an investor or user makes transactions on the blockchain, cryptocurrency wallets have a role. Accordingly, the development and differentiation of the wallets is part and parcel of the blockchain revolution. Bitcoin wallets are a way to store your cryptocurrency. Unbeknown to many,…
Bitcoin OX: Target Audience and Future Perspectives
The exponential rise of cryptocurrencies over the past decade has been phenomenal to watch. This is because the dynamic of a seemingly fringe innovation taking the world by a storm is quintessential tech. Needless to say, there are a handful of other accessories that have come about as part of this revolution. The cryptocurrency wallet…
Functional Features In Perfect Crypto Wallet
Functional Features In Perfect Crypto Wallet Most will take it upon themselves to shop for a fitting cryptocurrency wallet that matches their needs. After all, in the process of increasing their ROI and boosting sales, wallet start-ups appear to be departing from the core and continually leaning towards lean creativity rather than functionality. And even…
Ecosystem vs Egosystem: Which is more important?
Introduction The world today is a dynamic place that keeps on changing and evolving. Humanity constantly adapts to changes, sometimes unwittingly to utilize new solutions tailored to the realities at hand. In other words, we live in a world of constant disruption and this shapes our world dramatically. These changes also mean that at any…
Distinction Between Decentralized (Open Source) and Centralized Wallets, Why You Need Bitcoin OX
A cryptocurrency wallet literally means a place you can store your digital assets. Just like you would need a bank account in storing your regular cash, the wallets provide a means to store your cryptocurrency. Wallets are therefore indispensable when using cryptocurrency. That said, cryptocurrency wallets have to be sophisticated and secure because the digital…
Top 5 Crypto-Wallets in 2019
A cryptocurrency wallet literally means a place you can store your digital assets. Just like you would need a bank account in storing your regular cash, the wallets provide a means to store your cryptocurrency. Crypto-wallets come in different specifications but the broad classification is two-fold; Hot wallets and cold wallets. Cold wallets provide for…