Posts Tagged ‘bitcoin history’
A Brief Overview of Cryptocurrency Lawsuits over the world
Over the last year, most of the legal system around the globe have been busy trying to develop rules and guidelines that will control operations within the blockchain sector. So, this is because, before the invention of blockchain technology, such laws do not exist. Hence, the world is keenly observing the outcome of recent court…
Back to the Future: A History of Crypto
Introduction Surely, we know that in the earliest time goods, using to daily living, were considered money (e.g. cows and sheep). Then the progress of society brought the need to track money across large territories of land which resulted the appearing of paper and coin money, issued from the ruling governments. According to near past,…
Repetition is the Mother of Learning: Basic of Exchange
A crypto exchange is a place where customers can trade digital currencies for other assets. It is where buyers and sellers conduct their business. A seller of a Bitcoin or all any coin deposits funds with the exchanges address. He can then use his positive balance to sell his digital money for fiat currency. Similarly,…