ChainPoint 19 — The Most Must-visit Event in Blockchain

Before we shared great blockchain events: MARVEL`S World eSport and Blockchain Summit and Hot Georgia. Finally, we have good news again: ChainPoint on October 14-15. Why is it so important and need to visit? Let’s figure it out!
3 reasons to buy ChainPoint tickets now
Firstly, it`s a fine opportunity to improve your business skills and spend time with the leaders of the industry. However, maybe it includes late lunch and traffic jams… But can it be compared to networking with masters, IT-discussions and available to find investors to your project? Also, it`s only a part of ChainPoint 2019.
For example, Minister of economy of Republic of Armenia Tigran Khachatryan will show the country position of crypto regulation. Meanwhile, Stefan Rust, CEO of, will share last developments of the platform. Then Henri Arslanian, Chairman of Fintech Association of Hong Kong, will tell secret insights about fintech and crypto. Moreover, TODA.NETWORK CEO Toufi Saliba will talk about new protocol with Al.
Secondly, Startup Battle. ChainPoint Startup Battle is a place where new ideas will be heard, and interesting projects will get a platform for presentation and the opportunity to discuss your project with the right people at the right time.
Why is ChainPoint 19 a Startup Battle?
- Establishment of strategic partnerships;
- Receive valuable comments from experts;
- Media coverage;
- $350 000 prize pool.
InnMind, aeternity ventures, CV labs и SmartGateVC support Startuo Battle and they can up a project to the new level.
Thirdly, Noor Blockchain Armenia has introduced a bill on the regulation of crypto assets, which will be described in detail on ChainPoint. It was ChainPoint that managed to become the platform that will demonstrate the existing capabilities of Armenia and the hidden potentials of the entire region.
Why do you should pay attention on Armenia?
It should also be noted that the country of the meeting, Armenia, was chosen for a reason. ChainPoint is an international conference. So, it needs a country with a great history, a unique culture which can unite all different representatives.
So, Sergey Sevantsyan, VIP-speaker, Founder Masters of Blockchain Administration, answered some questions and told the main details of ChainPoint:
“Representatives from Nooor’s partner organizations, spanning from the Americas to Asia, from Europe to Australia and Africa, will be attending ChainPoint 19. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet the leading experts and like-minded individuals from the industry and become a part of the global blockchain cluster by visiting Armenia” — ChainPoint announces here.
To sum up, we recall that ChainPoint is the greatest event on the blockchain. Don’t miss it.