Archive for August 2020
Sergey Sevantsyan Joined Coindar & Colibri Group
Sergey Sevantsyan joined Colibri Group as a top manager and co-founder. Sergey Sevantsyan has headed the international communications department of Colibri Group and now there is an internal corporate discussion about the development of new areas of activity and the launch of a number of sub-projects that will harmoniously complement the main functional activities of Colibri Group and contribute to…
BitCherry IPv8 Technology Boosts Industrial Transformation in 5G Era
In 2020, up to 82% of IP traffic will come from video, and 2/3 of network traffic will come from wireless networks and mobile devices. With the continuous evolution of video services, such as the provision of ultra high definition of 4K-8K video, virtual (VR)/augmented reality (AR), it will also promote the design of future…