
Bitcoin OX Crypto Wallet




The Bitcoin OX Wallet is the safest exchange wallet which helps you store, send and receive crypto. You can transact with anyone all over the world and transform the crypto system right from your pocket for FREE

Bitcoin OX Crypto Wallet

Bitcoin OX Wallet

Support 24/7

Multi Currency

Mobile apps

Expert Features

Bitcoin OX Wallet

Support 24/7

Multi Currency

Mobile apps

Expert Features

  • New wallets statistics
  • Updated transaction design with single currency aspects
  • Updated footer wallet design Support for displaying transaction types for NEO [Miner, Claim, Invocation, State, Contract]
  • Support for displaying errors in XRP transactions
  • Server manager has appeared. Now you can maintain a list of servers, add your own and maintain a blacklist
  • Request for claim at NEO has become more convenient
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Now you can see slokens in NEO [EFX, ONT, TKY, DBC, FISH, EDS, CGAS, MCT, RPX, FTW, ZPT, ACAT, YEZ, QLC, SWTH, TNC, NEX, PHX, RCPT, CPX, APH , GALA, AVA, SOUL, SENNO, DAD, NKN, WWB, FTX, SEAS, 无忧 宝, LRN, PROQ, COUP, EXT, GTA, ASA, BDN, OBT, PKC, SDS, 申 一 币, NRVE, SDT , RHT, WWX, NOS, CGL, LX, EPN, THOR, CRN, ZORO, IAM, TOLL, SCC, TestCoin, BCS, APT, SNEO, SGAS, 开拍 学园 币, UTD, BRDG, WANDN, SDUSD, GUARD, WHT, 量子 积分, MRW, 量子 股份, GDM, 赏金, 申 一 股份, CNEO, SPOT, XQTA, JWT, SGT, NVL, PET, SEAC, LX, LFX, DGT, TMN, TMC, Hello AntShares Mainnet, 宝贝评级, MRG, NNN, 橙 诺, 明星 资本, CAKE, CGAS, 未来 研究 币, 币 区 势, LFX, UNI, 开拍 学园, 花季 股, CUTIE, CGAS, CUTIE, RNC, PEGUSD, PEGCNY, CUTIE, 0xWarriors ]

TrueCrypto Features

  • As a result, full access to xpub, xpriv, seed , addresses
  • Also, real multi: create wallets with one seed or with different seeds
  • Especially, only you are in control of your Private Keys
  • Next, no any copies on our or public servers
  • Then, only you manage your Digital Assets
  • Also, compatible with BIP39 mnemonic code for deterministic keys generation

TrueCrypto Features

  • As a result, full access to xpub, xpriv, seed , addresses
  • Also, real multi: create wallets with one seed or with different seeds
  • Especially, only you are in control of your Private Keys
  • Next, no any copies on our or public servers
  • Then, only you manage your Digital Assets
  • Also, compatible with BIP39 mnemonic code for deterministic keys generation

Multi Currency Features

  • Here there are Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Etherium (ETH) and, moreover, all ERC-20 tokens, NEO blockchain & GAS claiming, Tron (TRX) network including BitTorrent (BTT), Ripple (XRP).

Meanwhile, coming soon:

  • Hardware wallets support
  • Bitcoin Blockchain: USDT
  • Binance DEX & Binance API support
  • Ethereum Classic: ETC
  • Bitcoin Gold Blockchain: BTG
  • Fiat: integration with Bank Cards and Payment gateways
  • EOS blockchain and tokens

Multi Currency Features

  • Here there are Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Etherium (ETH) and, moreover, all ERC-20 tokens, NEO blockchain & GAS claiming, Tron (TRX) network including BitTorrent (BTT), Ripple (XRP).

Meanwhile, coming soon:

  • Hardware wallets support
  • Bitcoin Blockchain: USDT
  • Binance DEX & Binance API support
  • Ethereum Classic: ETC
  • Bitcoin Gold Blockchain: BTG
  • Fiat: integration with Bank Cards and Payment gateways
  • EOS blockchain and tokens

Expert Features

Expert Features

Manage GAP limit

  • Firstly, choose blockchain explorers for tx link.
  • Secondly, choose Fiat Rate Source.
  • Thirdly, Easy Fork Coins on the same BIP32 seed.
  • Fourthly, coming soon export transaction history, import Electrum standart seed, additional reports, rate history in tx, etc.
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